OPRL certification for transparent green packs!

Publicatiedatum: 20-06-2023

Modiform makes transparent green packs from recycled green PET bottles. These packs can be discarded by consumers in their plastic, metal, and drinking carton waste, so that we can make new packs from them. Modiform previously decided to offer transparent green packs as a recyclable alternative to non-recyclable black packs. This sustainable step was also fully embraced by the market. The products are Cyclos-certified for several countries and can now bear the OPRL recycling logo in the UK!

Created to assess consumer waste recycling, the OPRL recycling label is specific to the UK. Together with RECOUP, OPRL is committed to improving recycling and checking the veracity of sustainability claims. The OPRL recycling label guarantees a thorough analysis of the recyclability of packaging items, including Modiform’s transparent green packs. Recoup was also commissioned by Modiform to investigate the recyclability of PS packs in the UK. This research shows that PS packs are not recycled regardless of the color of the pack. The OPRL certification and research on PS packs prove that using transparent green R-PET for packs in the UK is the right sustainable choice!

7583 Bedding pack 8

8-pack: ideal for automatic filling and growing systems

Product specifications

1476 Hobby tray 20

20-pack: specially tailored for retailers who use boxes. Suitable for automatic filling and growing systems

Product specifications

7553 Open punnet

Small units suitable for growing plants and as a retail container.

Product specifications


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